Sustainability and Resilience Planning2020-03-27T15:50:23+00:00

Sustainability and Resilience Planning

Counties and municipalities prepare master plans to establish a long-term comprehensive vision for a community’s development and to present strategies to achieve the desired vision. Scroll through the items below to learn about environmental sustainability and resilience and how to integrate these concepts into master plans.

Yes! Below are several examples (click on the name for details) of sustainability elements adopted by municipalities and counties in the TNJ region and other areas of the state. Some elements are in-depth, detailed documents resulting from an extensive and well-resourced planning process while others are the result of more modest efforts, yet still effectively outline a sustainable course of action.

Some communities have integrated sustainability and resilience throughout the elements of the master plan. For example, in addition to preparing a separate sustainability element, the City of Hoboken’s 2018 master plan re-examination and land use element update set a guiding theme of “becoming a sustainable and resilient city.” The re-examination and land use element “do not seek to replicate, but rather bolster, key ideas” presented in the sustainability element. The Town of Morristown adopted a 2014 master plan that integrates sustainability and resilience throughout and uses sustainability as a framework for measuring success.

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