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  1. Welcome: Courtenay Mercer, Stephen Kehayes – Task Force Co-Chairs

  2. The TNJ Plan Update Overview: Miriam Salerno – Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center, Rutgers University
  1. May 2020 Meeting Takeaways: Jeff Vernick, Jeff Perlman – NJTPA
    1. What we heard from the group
    2. Framing today’s discussion
  1. TNJ Strategies – Keep it, Change it, Toss it

VTC and NJTPA staff will lead the Task Force members in a workshop activity – Keep it, Change it, Toss it. Staff will discuss each Focus Area and associated strategies and then lead the Task Force in a Zoom poll to collect reactions about the strategies, identifying opinions on what the Plan should keep, change or discard for the updated.

  1. Other Task Force business
    1. Transit Hub project selection
    2. Brownfields Workshop series
  1. Next Steps


To RSVP please email miriam.salerno@ejb.rutgers.edu.