

A competitive North Jersey is a place where residents have the education, training, skills and transportation needed to find (and get to) well-paying jobs. It is home to a variety of growing industries, especially high-tech and cutting-edge fields, that offer a range of opportunities accessible to all residents. It supports innovation, collaboration, partnership and entrepreneurship in a flourishing 21st century economy.

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TNJ team members undertook research to better understand how/if the northern New Jersey region could benefit from a regional marketing initiative, if such an effort could improve collaboration on economic development, and brand the region as a desirable place to live, work, and visit. The research strategy included a series of key informant/stakeholder and case study interviews with three successful regional marketing initiatives in the United States. The stakeholders identified several regional themes and provided recommendations for starting and growing a North Jersey regional marketing initiative.

In 2018 TNJ team members prepared a report, Review of Current Tourism and Economic Development Marketing Practices in the Together North Jersey Region, which synthesizes all the current marketing and messaging for the counties and cities in the TNJ Region, as well as state-wide and regional initiatives in New Jersey and selected adjoining states (Pennsylvania, New York, and Connecticut). The report identifies marketing activities related to tourism, quality of life, and business growth; summarizes common themes and methods; and makes recommendations for messaging and outreach methods that could enhance North Jersey’s visibility as both a tourist destination and a desirable business location.